domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012


Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believe) on a Friday, at twelve o'clock at night. It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously.
In consideration of the day and hour of my birth, it was declared by the nurse, and by some sage women in the neighbourhood who had taken a lively interest in me several months before there was any possibility of our becoming personally acquainted, first, that I was destined to be unlucky in life; and secondly, that I was privileged to see ghosts and spirits; both these gifts inevitably attaching, as they believed, to all unlucky infants of either gender, born towards the small hours on a Friday night.

No sooner had I grown up at the age of three years old than I began reading voraciously. Such was the interest of my reading that all my memories of childhood are related to the characters of the picaresque novels that I still remember one by one. While other children used to play outdoors, I was absorbed in my books. Never have I boasted about this innate skill which will give me so many satisfactions in the future. However, my teenager years turned out to be harder than my childhood since I had to support a large family and suffice it to say that books were forced into a background.

Looking backwards I do not regret any decision taken in my long life in spite of some events which caused me so much pain. Very soon I understood that we are a miracle of the nature and therefore we should accept one´s life come what may…

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